Maija Einfelde

Maija Einfelde (born 02.01.39.) is a Latvian composer to a family of organ builders and players. Her father was a organ builder and mother played it. After graduation from Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music (previously Latvian Conservatoire) she taught composition and theory at various top music schools in Cēsi and Rīga, Latvia.

Einfelde is best known for her chamber-oratotio “At the Edge of the Earth..” that brought her 1st prize at the international competition organized by the Barlow Foundation (1997). Later on she composed “Psalm 15” and it was played at various locations, including Carnegie Hall, New York.

Being a creative composer she does not rely on inspiration alone and works daily. Her approach has given her a lot of followers and great success in classical music.

You may want to listen to few of M. Einfelde compositions performed by various artists.